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So you think you can write? Well, yes-but with the realization that I’m still at base camp with a long haul straight up, ahead.

Harlequin and Mills & Boon’s global writing competition has opened for First chapter and Pitch submissions and mine HIDDEN TRUTHS, OPEN HEARTS  is amongst them under the tab, Read Entries.  http://www.soyouthinkyoucanwrite.com/manuscripts/

This is an exciting opportunity, not simply to enter, but to read all the other writer’s First Chapters and think about how important it is to begin a story well in just under 5000 carefully chosen and constantly evaluated words.

Then there is the Pitch-the 100 word pitch. In such a small space, the concept, plot, conflict, characters and setting need to be outlined with as much pulling power as possible to convince the reader that this book is well worth the effort of at least reading the first chapter.

If it fits your ideal of a Romance between a wonderful guy and a gal finding her feet after adversity, then I hope you will visit the sytycw website and vote for HIDDEN TRUTHS, OPEN HEARTS – just one amongst all the amazing stories there.

Voting begins on October 2 to 10 – with ONE VOTE per DAY allowable.

So for the continued high regard and success of this global competition, please visit ^^ read the stories and don’t forget to VOTE.

Thank you,   Wendy