Top Tips

When I started my first manuscript, it flowed until the story finished.

Aha, so that’s what it feels like to add the final full stop. I smiled. Not quite Kathleen Turner’s ecstatic joy in Romancing the Stone, nor destined to go down in Hollywood history in my own right even though my hero’s name was Jesse.  Just the smile, the tip of the iceberg.

Then I sat back, overwhelmed. Still am.

A thousand edits later, this miasma of words, thoughts and feelings has evolved to a point where it has been stripped of major flaws, has a degree of polish and is threatening to be a page turner.


Having completed the required online courses at over two incredible years, I enrolled in Margie Lawson‘s first Immersion Class down-under, prior to the 2015 Romance Writers of Australia Conference in Melbourne. It was phenomenal, Margie and her hubby, my class of fellow “First Immersion Sisters in OZ” amazing to work with, a delight to be with.

Michael Hauge‘s website at  is not to be missed. The craft of ‘story mastery’ is demonstrated with such clarity it has made a huge impact on my stories – both completed and as wip’s. I can see further edits looming but absolutely worth the revision.

Writers in the Storm at is a constant delight, a new blog set to send one off researching further, rejigging yesterday’s creative “brilliance-that-wasn’t-quite” and helpful hints on doing all manner of writing things.

Reading published authors websites too is amazing, almost every one of them offers an insight to problem solving, all emit megawatt enthusiasm to the reader.

These following articles have been useful to me and I list here what I’ve learned from these talented authors and their websites – in no particular order – each article a gem.

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